B2B Video Marketing: The Ultimate Guide

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The Complete Guide to B2B Video Marketing for Marketers and Companies.



B2B video marketing has become an essential tool for marketers and companies in today’s business landscape. With the rise of digital marketing, businesses need to adapt their marketing strategies to keep up with the competition. Video marketing is one of the most effective ways to engage B2B audiences and drive conversions.


Using video in B2B marketing campaigns has several benefits. For one, it allows companies to showcase their products or services more dynamically and engagingly. Videos can also help build trust and credibility by featuring customer testimonials and case studies. Additionally, videos can be easily shared on social media and other online platforms, increasing brand awareness and reach.


This guide will cover everything you need to know about B2B video marketing, from developing a strategy to creating and distributing your videos effectively. Following this guide’s tips and best practices, readers can create engaging videos that resonate with their target audience and drive results.


The guide will start by discussing B2B video marketing basics, including what it is and why it’s essential. From there, we will dive into developing a B2B video marketing strategy, including setting goals, identifying your target audience, and choosing the right type of videos to create. We’ll also cover best practices for creating compelling videos, such as storytelling techniques and optimizing videos for search engines.


Readers will learn about the various types of B2B marketing videos they can create, including explainer videos, product demos, and thought leadership videos. We’ll provide examples of best-in-class B2B marketing videos so readers can get inspiration for their campaigns.


In addition, the guide will cover how B2B brands can create compelling video marketing campaigns, from determining the purpose of the video to promoting it. We’ll also discuss video hosting options and the importance of choosing the right platform for your needs.


Finally, we’ll explore how to integrate video into your overall B2B marketing mix, including incorporating video into other marketing efforts and using video to nurture leads and drive conversions.


Overall, this guide will be an invaluable resource for anyone looking to leverage the power of video in their B2B marketing campaigns. By following the tips and strategies presented here, readers will be well-equipped to create engaging, compelling videos that drive results for their businesses.


Understanding B2B Video Marketing


To establish a successful B2B video marketing strategy, it’s vital to understand the foundations of B2B marketing and how video fits into the larger landscape.

What is B2B marketing?


B2B marketing refers to businesses’ marketing practices that sell products or services to other companies. This can include everything from lead generation to customer retention strategies. The goal of B2B marketing is to engage and convert potential customers to drive business growth.


What is B2B video marketing?


B2B video marketing refers to using video content in B2B marketing campaigns. This can include various video types, such as product demos, explainer videos, and thought leadership videos. B2B video marketing engages with potential customers, builds brand awareness, and drives conversions.


How is B2B video marketing different from B2C video marketing?


B2B video marketing is different from B2C video marketing in several ways. Secondly, as opposed to individual customers, other companies are often the target audience for B2B video marketing. Also, compared to B2C sales cycles, B2B sales cycles are often longer and need more nurturing. Because of this, B2B video marketing often emphasizes relationship development and trust-building above encouraging immediate transactions.


Why invest in B2B video marketing?


Businesses aiming to expand their clientele and boost sales may greatly benefit from investing in B2B video marketing. Video is an efficient technique for attracting new clients since it is a highly engaging and memorable medium. Also, it may assist companies in setting themselves apart from rivals and building their reputation as thought leaders.


The benefits of B2B video marketing


There are various advantages to employing video in B2B marketing campaigns. One reason is that videos are very shareable and can be readily spread across numerous platforms, which boosts brand exposure and reach. Videos also may provoke emotions and convey a fascinating tale, making them an excellent tool for gaining client trust and loyalty.


The capacity of B2B video marketing to provide quantifiable outcomes is another advantage. By analyzing metrics like views, engagement rates, and conversion rates, companies can obtain critical insights into the efficacy of their video marketing campaigns and make data-driven choices regarding future expenditures.


B2B video marketing is also very adaptable. Several videos may be produced, from instructional explainer videos to client endorsements for various phases of the buyer’s journey. Each video enables the targeting of specific audiences and objectives.


Investing in B2B video marketing may be a very successful approach for firms to engage with prospective clients, develop brand recognition, and drive conversions. In addition, companies may set a thorough strategy using video’s potential to accomplish their marketing objectives by recognizing the distinct advantages and difficulties of B2B video marketing.


Developing a B2B Video Marketing Strategy


A successful B2B video marketing campaign requires more than simply creating and uploading videos. Developing a comprehensive strategy that considers your business goals, target audience, video types, distribution platforms, content calendar, budget, and metrics for measuring success is essential.


Setting goals for your B2B video marketing campaign


The first step in developing a B2B video marketing strategy is to set clear and measurable goals. These goals should align with your overall marketing objectives and be specific to the needs of your target audience. Examples of B2B video marketing goals could include increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, generating leads, or improving customer engagement.


Identifying your target audience


Before creating compelling B2B marketing videos, you need to identify and understand your target audience. This includes their industry, job title, pain points, and buying habits. By understanding your audience, you can create videos that speak directly to their needs and interests.


Determining what type of videos to create


There are many types of B2B marketing videos, each with strengths and limitations. The type of video you create will depend on several factors, including your goals, target audience, and where the video will be used in the buyer’s journey. Common types of B2B marketing videos include explainer videos, product demos, testimonials and case studies, thought leadership videos, and event videos.


Choosing the right platforms for video hosting and distribution


Once you’ve created your B2B marketing videos, select the right hosting and distribution platforms. Many options are available, each with its benefits and limitations. Some popular options include YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia, and Vidyard. Consider audience reach, analytics capabilities, and cost when choosing a platform.


Creating a content calendar


Creating a content calendar is essential to any B2B video marketing strategy. A content calendar helps ensure that you have a steady stream of content planned out in advance, making it easier to stay consistent and avoid last-minute scrambling. Your content calendar should consider factors such as the time required to produce each video, key events or holidays that may be relevant to your target audience, and important dates for your business, such as product launches or sales cycles.


Budgeting for video production


One of the biggest challenges in creating a B2B video marketing strategy is determining how much to budget for video production. While costs vary widely depending on video length, production quality, and animation or special effects, you must know what you can afford before creating videos. Creating a realistic budget will help you produce high-quality videos without overspending.


Measuring success and adjusting strategies accordingly


Finally, it’s essential to measure the success of your B2B video marketing campaign and adjust your strategies accordingly. This involves tracking views, engagement, conversion, and overall ROI. By analyzing these metrics, you can gain valuable insights into what’s working and what isn’t, allowing you to make data-driven decisions about future investments in video marketing.


To succeed in B2B video marketing, it’s essential to have a comprehensive strategy considering all these factors. By setting clear goals, identifying your target audience, choosing suitable video types and platforms, creating a content calendar, budgeting effectively, and measuring success, you can create a powerful video marketing campaign that drives results for your business.


B2B Marketing Videos Types


There are many types of B2B marketing videos, each with strengths and limitations. The type of video you choose will depend on your specific goals, target audience, and where the video will be used in the buyer’s journey. Here are some of the most common types of B2B marketing videos:


1. Explainer videos

Explainer videos are short videos that explain a product or service in a simple and easy-to-understand way. These videos can be highly effective for introducing new products or services to potential customers who may not be familiar with your brand. They can also help simplify complicated concepts and make them more accessible.


2. Product demos

Product demo videos showcase how a product works and its key features and benefits. These videos can be highly effective for driving lead generation and conversions. They allow potential customers to see the product and understand how it can meet their needs.


3. Testimonials and case studies

Testimonial and case study videos feature real customers discussing their experiences using your product or service. These videos can be highly effective for building trust and credibility with potential customers, as they provide social proof that your product or service delivers results.


4. Brand awareness videos

Brand awareness videos are designed to build brand recognition and increase visibility for your company. These videos can be highly creative and often focus more on storytelling and emotion than on specific products or services. They can be effective for reaching new audiences and increasing overall brand awareness.


5. Event videos

Event videos showcase key events or conferences related to your business. These videos can be highly effective for building brand awareness, showcasing thought leadership, and highlighting industry trends and insights.


6. Thought leadership videos

Thought leadership videos feature experts within your company discussing industry trends, best practices, and other relevant topics. These videos can effectively establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry, build credibility with potential customers, and drive engagement.


7. Animated videos

Animated videos use animation and graphics to explain complex concepts or tell engaging stories. These videos can be highly effective for simplifying complicated topics and making them more accessible to a wider audience.


8. Live streaming videos

Live streaming videos allow companies to share live events, such as webinars or product launches, with their audience in real time. These videos can be highly engaging and interactive, allowing viewers to ask questions and engage with the content in real time.


9. Interactive videos

Interactive videos are designed to encourage viewer participation and engagement. These videos can include quizzes, surveys, and clickable links, allowing viewers to interact directly with the content and deepen their understanding of the topic.


10. Social media videos

Social media videos are short videos created specifically for social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn. These videos can be highly effective for reaching new audiences and increasing engagement on social media.


11. Personalized videos

Personalized videos are customized videos created specifically for individual prospects or customers. These videos can be highly effective for driving engagement and building relationships with potential customers, as they show that your brand is invested in understanding their unique needs and interests.


Businesses can create many types of B2B marketing videos to connect with their target audience and drive results. Companies can create compelling video marketing campaigns that resonate with their audience by choosing the right type of video for each stage of the buyer’s journey and incorporating best practices for video production and distribution.


Best Practices for B2B Video Marketing


Creating compelling B2B marketing videos requires more than choosing the right video and platform type. To succeed, businesses must also follow best video production, optimization, and distribution practices. Here are some of the most essential best practices for B2B video marketing:


1. Understanding the importance of storytelling

Storytelling is a powerful tool in B2B video marketing. By telling a compelling story, businesses can engage their target audience and build a connection with them. Stories can be used to showcase the benefits of a product or service, provide social proof through testimonials or case studies, or establish thought leadership through expert insights and analysis.


2. Keeping videos short and to the point

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, attention spans are shorter than ever. To keep viewers engaged, it’s important to keep B2B marketing videos short and to the point. Most experts recommend keeping videos under two minutes, with shorter videos ideal for social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter.


3. Creating visually appealing videos

Visual appeal is essential for B2B marketing videos. Videos should be visually engaging and dynamic, using high-quality images, graphics, and animations to keep viewers interested. It’s also important to ensure that videos are well-lit, well-framed, and have clear audio.


4. Incorporating calls-to-action into videos

Every B2B marketing video should include a clear call-to-action (CTA) at the end. This could be a link to a landing page, an invitation to sign up for a newsletter, or a request to contact the company for more information. CTAs help drive engagement and conversions, making them essential to any successful video marketing campaign.


5. Optimizing videos for search engines

Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential when creating B2B marketing videos. By optimizing videos for keywords and metadata, businesses can increase their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) and drive more traffic to their website. Some key SEO factors include video titles, descriptions, tags, and transcripts.


6. Using video in email marketing campaigns

Email marketing is another effective way to distribute B2B marketing videos. Including videos in emails can increase click-through rates and improve overall engagement. When using videos in email marketing campaigns, keeping the file size small and the message clear and concise is essential.


7. Leveraging social media for video distribution

Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook are highly effective channels for distributing B2B marketing videos. Social media videos should be designed to capture attention quickly and be optimized for the specific platform. For example, videos on Twitter should be short and easily shareable, while videos on LinkedIn should be more professional and business-oriented.


8. Analyzing metrics to measure success

Finally, it’s essential to track and analyze metrics to measure the success of your B2B marketing video campaigns. Metrics such as views, engagement, click-through, and conversion rates can provide valuable insights into what’s working and what’s not. This data can then be used to adjust strategies and improve future video marketing campaigns.


These best practices can help businesses create compelling B2B marketing videos that resonate with their target audience and drive results. By telling compelling stories, keeping videos short and visually appealing, incorporating clear CTAs, optimizing for SEO, using videos in email and social media campaigns, and analyzing metrics to measure success, businesses can create powerful video marketing campaigns that deliver real value.

Examples of Best B2B Marketing Videos

To help illustrate the power of compelling B2B marketing videos, here are three examples of companies that have created highly successful video campaigns:

1. HubSpot: “What is CRM?”

HubSpot’s “What is CRM?” video is an excellent example of a compelling explainer video. The video uses simple animation and clear narration to explain customer relationship management (CRM) and how it can benefit businesses. The video is just over two minutes long and concisely overviews a complex topic.

The video has been highly successful for HubSpot, with over 85,000 views on YouTube and numerous positive comments from viewers. By creating a clear and engaging explainer video, HubSpot was able to educate potential customers about the benefits of its CRM software and increase brand awareness.

2. IBM: “Watson at Work”

IBM’s “Watson at Work” video is an excellent example of a thought leadership video. The video features experts from IBM discussing how artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning can transform the workplace. The video is over four minutes long and includes compelling visuals and expert insights.

The video has been highly successful for IBM, with over 700,000 views on YouTube and numerous shares and comments on social media. By showcasing its expertise in AI and thought leadership in the industry, IBM was able to position itself as a leader in the field and generate interest in its products and services.

3. Salesforce: “Customer Success Platform”

Salesforce’s “Customer Success Platform” video is an excellent example of a product demo video. The video showcases the key features and benefits of Salesforce’s customer relationship management (CRM) platform, using a combination of animation, screenshots, and voiceover narration. The video is just under two minutes long and provides a concise product overview.

The video has been highly successful for Salesforce, with over 50,000 views on YouTube and numerous positive comments from viewers. By creating a compelling product demo video, Salesforce was able to showcase the capabilities of its platform and drive interest and engagement from potential customers.


4. Slack: “So Yeah, We Tried Slack…”

Slack’s “So Yeah, We Tried Slack…” video is an excellent example of a brand awareness video. The video features employees from various companies sharing their experiences using Slack, a team messaging platform. The video is just over two minutes long and includes real-life testimonials from platform users.

The video has been highly successful for Slack, with over 200,000 views on YouTube and numerous shares and comments on social media. By showcasing the benefits of its platform through the voices of real users, Slack was able to build credibility and trust with potential customers and increase overall brand awareness.

Overall, these examples demonstrate how B2B marketing videos can be used to achieve a variety of goals, including explainer videos for educating potential customers, thought leadership videos for establishing expertise in a field, product demos for showcasing key features and benefits, and brand awareness videos for building recognition and trust. By following best video production, optimization, and distribution practices, businesses can create powerful video campaigns that connect with their audience and drive results.

How B2B Brands Can Create Effective Video Marketing


Creating compelling B2B marketing videos requires careful planning and execution. Here are some critical steps that businesses can take to create effective video campaigns:


1. Determining the purpose of the video

Determining its purpose is the first step in creating a compelling B2B marketing video. Will the video educate potential customers about a product or service, showcase thought leadership, or build brand awareness? Understanding the purpose of the video will help guide decisions about content, tone, and messaging.


2. Understanding the target audience

The next step is to understand the target audience for the video. Who are they, what do they care about, and what motivates them? Understanding the target audience will help ensure the video resonates with them and drives engagement.


3. Scriptwriting and storyboarding

Once the purpose and target audience has been established, it’s time to start developing the script and storyboard for the video. The script should be concise, engaging, and easy to understand, while the storyboard should provide a visual roadmap for the video.


4. Video production

With the script and storyboard, it’s time to start producing the video. This may involve working with a professional video production company or using in-house resources. Ensuring the video is well-lit, well-framed, and has high-quality audio and visuals is essential.


5. Promoting the video

Once the video has been produced, it’s time to start promoting it. This may involve sharing the video on social media platforms, embedding it on the company website, or including it in email marketing campaigns. Optimizing the video for search engines and including clear calls to action to drive engagement and conversions is essential.


By following these steps, businesses can create highly effective B2B marketing videos that resonate with their target audience and drive accurate results.


Why Video Hosting is Important for B2B Marketing


Video hosting is an essential consideration for B2B marketing campaigns. Here are some of the key reasons why businesses should consider using video hosting platforms:


1. The benefits of video hosting platforms


Video hosting platforms offer several benefits for businesses creating and distributing video content. These platforms provide a centralized location for storing and managing video content, making organizing and sharing videos with target audiences easier. Additionally, most video hosting platforms provide tools for customizing video players, embedding videos on websites and social media platforms, and incorporating calls-to-action into videos.


2. Choosing the right hosting platform

When choosing a video hosting platform, it’s essential to consider factors such as cost, features, and ease of use. Some popular video hosting platforms include YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia, and Brightcove. Each platform offers different features and pricing plans, so it’s essential to research and compares options before selecting a platform.


3. Video analytics and tracking

One of the key benefits of video hosting platforms is the ability to track and analyze video performance. Most video hosting platforms provide detailed analytics and tracking data, including metrics such as views, engagement rates, and conversion rates. This data can provide valuable insights into how viewers interact with videos and which videos drive the most results. By analyzing this data, businesses can adjust their video marketing strategies and optimize future campaigns for better results.


Video hosting platforms are essential for businesses creating and distributing compelling B2B marketing videos. Companies can easily manage and share video content by choosing the right platform, customizing video players, and tracking and analyzing video performance for better results.


Integrating Video into Your B2B Marketing Mix


A video is a powerful tool for B2B marketers, and integrating it into your overall marketing mix can help drive better results. Here are some key ways to integrate video into your B2B marketing efforts:


1. Incorporating video into other marketing efforts

One of the easiest ways to integrate video into your B2B marketing mix is to incorporate it into other marketing efforts. For example, you could include videos in email marketing campaigns, embed them on your website or blog, or share them on social media platforms. By leveraging existing channels to distribute video content, you can increase the reach and impact of your video marketing efforts.


2. Creating video content for specific stages of the buyer’s journey

Another effective strategy for integrating video into your B2B marketing mix is creating content for specific stages of the buyer’s journey. For example, you might create explainer videos or product demos for the awareness stage, customer testimonials or case studies for the consideration stage, and personalized videos or webinars for the decision stage. You can provide valuable information and build trust with potential customers by tailoring video content to specific stages of the buyer’s journey.


3. Using video to nurture leads and drive conversions

Finally, video can also be a highly effective tool for nurturing leads and driving conversions. For example, you might use video to follow up with leads after they’ve downloaded a whitepaper or attended a webinar, providing additional information and building a relationship with the lead. You can also use video to provide targeted offers or promotions, such as a personalized demo or limited-time discount. You can increase engagement and boost conversion rates by using video to nurture leads and drive conversions.


Integrating video into your B2B marketing mix requires careful planning and execution. By incorporating video into other marketing efforts, creating content for specific stages of the buyer’s journey, and using video to nurture leads and drive conversions, businesses can create powerful video marketing campaigns that drive real results.



Sample B2B Video Marketing Case Studies



Case Study 1


Title: How HubSpot Increased Conversions with Video Marketing


Introduction:HubSpot is a software company that provides inbound marketing and sales software to businesses of all sizes. HubSpot was looking for a way to increase website conversion and tried video marketing.


HubSpot’s goal was to increase conversions on its website. They hoped to achieve this by creating a series of videos to educate their target audience on the benefits of their software.


Target Audience:
HubSpot’s target audience was businesses of all sizes looking to improve their marketing and sales efforts. Their ideal customer was already interested in inbound marketing and sales and was actively searching for a software solution to help them achieve their goals.


HubSpot’s video marketing campaign consisted of short videos highlighting their software’s benefits. Each video focused on a specific software feature and how it could help businesses improve their marketing and sales efforts.

The videos were hosted on HubSpot’s website and were promoted through social media, email marketing, and targeted advertising campaigns.


HubSpot’s video marketing campaign was a success. The videos received thousands of views and generated a significant increase in leads and conversions on their website.

Specifically, HubSpot saw a:

24% increase in website traffic
40% increase in leads
50% increase in conversions


HubSpot’s video marketing campaign was an effective way to increase conversions on its website. By creating educational videos highlighting their software’s benefits, HubSpot was able to attract and convert more leads. The campaign’s success was partly due to its targeted promotion and strategic distribution across social media, email, and advertising platforms.



Case Study 2


Title: How Breezy HR Used Video to Increase Awareness and Leads


Breezy HR is a cloud-based recruitment and applicant tracking software. Breezy HR was looking for a way to increase awareness of their product and generate more leads, so they decided to try video marketing.


Breezy HR aimed to increase brand awareness and generate more leads for their recruitment and applicant tracking software. They hoped to achieve this by creating a series of videos to educate their target audience on the benefits of their product.


Target Audience:
Breezy HR’s target audience was small and medium-sized businesses seeking affordable recruitment and applicant tracking software. Their ideal customer was someone who was already aware of the benefits of HR software but was looking for a more affordable option.


Breezy HR’s video marketing campaign consisted of short videos highlighting their software’s benefits. Each video focused on a specific software feature and how it could help businesses streamline their recruitment process.

The videos were hosted on Breezy HR’s website and were promoted through social media, email marketing, and targeted advertising campaigns.


Breezy HR’s video marketing campaign was a success. The videos received thousands of views and generated a significant increase in leads for their software.

Specifically, Breezy HR saw a:

20% increase in website traffic
35% increase in leads
15% increase in conversions


Breezy HR’s video marketing campaign effectively increased brand awareness and generated more leads for their recruitment and applicant tracking software. By creating educational videos highlighting their product’s benefits, Breezy HR was able to attract and convert more leads. The campaign’s success was due in part to its targeted promotion and strategic distribution across social media, email, and advertising platforms, as well as its affordability for small and medium-sized businesses.



Conclusion – Invest in Video Marketing


B2B video marketing is no longer an option but is necessary for B2B companies looking to stand out in the highly competitive market. Video marketing provides a perfect opportunity for businesses to showcase their products and services to their B2B audience, build trust, and establish thought leadership. Creating different types of video content, such as how-to videos, brand videos, review videos, teaser videos, and video tutorials, and converting these videos into other formats can help B2B companies achieve their marketing goals.


While the video isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for B2B and B2C brands, it’s especially effective for B2B as it helps buyers better understand complex products or services they are interested in. Investing in video marketing can help B2B marketers increase customer engagement, boost conversion rates, and improve their bottom line. B2B video marketing is one of the best ways to humanize your brand and connect with your target audience.


Video marketing is a great content marketing strategy for B2B businesses targeting specific prospects. Companies can effectively engage their audience and build trust by producing B2B marketing videos that address their prospects’ pain points and provide solutions. B2B marketing video types such as product demos, explainer videos, case study videos, and webinars can help businesses communicate their message, showcase the value of their products, and create a lasting impression.


In conclusion, B2B video marketing is a powerful tool to help businesses achieve their marketing plans and drive real results. With the power of video marketing and marketing automation, B2B businesses can create highly effective video campaigns that resonate with their audience, showcase their brand, and create a lasting impression.

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